Planning a School Trip








Organizing a school trip to Washington D.C. can be extremely strenuous. That’s why we have provided a detailed list to the faculty on how to better organize a successful school trip to Washington D.C, New York City, and Philadelphia. Listed below are a few pointers that may be helpful to the teachers, and students involved on the field trip.





1)The first obstacle we recommend to check off your list is to find an inexpensive, and experienced tour company. The quickest way to retrieve the best results would be typing affordable student tours Washington DC in your Google search bar. Simply click on the enter button, and before you know it, Honor Roll Student Tours has taken over your entire screen on either your fancy phone or desktop computer. We are completely well aware that some school trips are funded by the students themselves, and therefore it is our number one objective to lower the cost for the parents who may not have the extra funds to pay for an overnight trip to Washington, DC. At Honor Roll Student Tours we are also willing to negotiate with schools on the total price amount, which will allow your administrators to purchase new classroom supplies, and fix much needed repairs throughout your school.

2) Following the negotiation deal, we will email your school an electronic contract agreement form that must be signed and returned back to us in order to finalize your students educational class trip. Now that you have successfully tackled the financial segment, you can continue to plan your school trip in full detail. For example, how many days will your field trip be? Where does your class plan on visiting on each specific day? Will the students and teachers be commuting into Washington on a bus or airplane? If in fact, you do decide to fly into Washington, DC, please keep in mind that we also provide transportation service to and from the airport.




3)The next step in planning a school trip to DC would be searching for a student friendly hotel at a group rate. At Honor Roll Student Tours we offer a diamond package, which is an all-inclusive deal that provides schools with the best hotel rates, and pre-pays their daily meals. This prevents students from carrying an unnecessary amount of cash, and since everything is pre-paid, it saves a significant amount of time, which keeps the trip organized.  We highly recommend taking advantage of the complimentary breakfast at your hotel, and we extremely suggest hosting your group dinners at the Hard Rock Cafe or the food courts in Union Station.




4)At this time teachers should be handing out permission slips to each student, so that parents are completely aware of the upcoming educational class trip to Washington DC. After each permission slip is signed and returned, we will need a copy for our records in case of any emergencies. We will also need a total head count on the number of passengers attending this field trip, which includes teachers, parents, and chaperones. It would be a great decision to research the weather in Washington before you arrive, so that the students know exactly what to pack. Now that your bags are packed, and your ready to head to Washington DC, we will schedule a formal meet and greet with our staff and your school in the lobby of your reserved hotel. The only agenda left on the table now, is for your school to enjoy a fun educational journey throughout our nations capital.

If you would like to pay for your students or child’s class trip please click on the ERASER and enter in the access code that was assigned specifically to your school. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 1-888-595-5435. Thank you.